Saturday, January 25

Tag: the flash quiz

The Ultimate The Flash Quiz | 30 Questions

The Ultimate The Flash Quiz | 30 Questions

TV Show
The Flash is one of the popular America-based comic strip superheroes. It is the creation of Gardner Fox and Harry Lampert, mainly for DC comics. CLICK HERE TO START THE QUIZ The character first appeared in the comic "Flash comics number 1" in January 1940. Origin Story of "The Flash" In the origin story of the Flash, a student named Jay Garrick was experimenting at midwest universities one night; he felt overwhelmed by the problematic water fumes and passed out. When he woke up after weeks, he discovered that he had become faster than a normal human being and could even pluck a bullet out of thin air. With the inspiration of the Roman God "Mercury," Garrick creates a costume of a winged helmet, boots, a red shirt, and blue snacks with the symbol of a lightning bolt on his ch...