First, love is delightful, innocent, and adventurous, and falling in love with someone fresh is an exhilarating experience unlike any other. When you fall in love with someone, everything they do makes your heart skip a beat and fills you with joy.
Remember that the polar opposite of love is apathy, not hatred.
It’s normal to be disappointed when their feelings aren’t reciprocated. It may, however, become detrimental if you begin to feel undeserving of love, as if there is something wrong with you as a person.
It’s just as simple to fall out of love with someone as it is to fall in love with them, especially if you have no meaningful emotional connection.
They Are No More in Your Thoughts Like Before
· They hardly ever enter your mind anymore.
· You let go of their ideas.
· If your feelings for someone are causing you to doubt yourself, it’s time to let go.
Omg, My Crush Has Flaws!
· You may even become to detest the things you previously admired about them.
· You become more aware of their flaws and limitations.
· You begin to accept whatever nasty comments your friends may have made about them.
No Jealousy!
· You used to be envious of everyone they seemed close to and wish they were spending time with you instead.
· You despised hearing them engage with others.

· Now that doesn’t matter at all.
You’re Not Enthralled by Their Messages
· You no longer get butterflies when you see them, and you no longer feel the spark.
· You no longer get excited when they leave you a text or a message, just as you no longer get thrilled by their presence.
Goodbye Old Memories
· You care for them like anyone else, but they no longer have a special place in your heart.
· When we pass over a memory that frequently reminds us of them, such as when we listen to a piece of music that reminds us of them, our hearts flutter for them every time, but now we don’t feel anything.
I Don’t Care About My Crush’s Social-Media
· You no longer care what they put on social media.
· You spent a lot of your leisure time scrolling over their pages.
· You heard them flirt with a supermodel also; you don’t mind.
You No Longer Go Out of Your Way for Them
· You’d go to parties expecting to see them or stay late at school trying to get a peek of them.
· But you’ve stopped going out of your way to spend time with them since then.
· You don’t look forward to seeing them any longer, and you’re too tired to think of any more.
Just Be Yourself
· There’s no use in trying to impress someone who doesn’t give you the time.
· When you meet the perfect person, they will think the world of you, want to spend time with you, and adore you for who you are, just as you are, and your feelings for them will be a thing of the past.