Sunday, March 9

Tag: am i the problem in my relationships

Toxic Relationship Quiz | 30 Questions

Toxic Relationship Quiz | 30 Questions

Relationships & Dating
No one is flawless, and partnerships are no exception. Toxicity, on the other hand, is not. Imperfection is perfectly normal. On the other hand, Toxicity can deplete you emotionally and leave you with negative thoughts, yet imperfection can motivate you to grow and improve. CLICK HERE TO START THE QUIZ It's usually easy to point the finger at someone else for being poisonous, but you must also examine yourself. We must analyze our own routines and behaviors. Sometimes we are the poisonous ones, but we refuse to recognize it. Accepting it, however, is not a bad thing because awareness is the first step toward transformation.   Some Signs Of Being The Toxic One In The Relationship Are As Follows:   You Have A Proclivity For Manipulating Situations. Man...